Practices for sale

To find dental practices in your state, please type in the US state abbreviation in the Search bar. Below is a list of practices that we have for sale. For additional information on the practice, please click on the city name. Please contact us for more information on any of the listings or to enlist our help finding the perfect practice for you. Please reference the practice you are interested in by the city name and number of operatories.

Exceptional General Dental Practice for Sale – North of Willow Grove

8 fully equipped ops
Long established
$850,000 annual collections


Thriving General Dental Practice for Sale – Prime Palatine Location!

3 Equipped ops with room to add one
Fully Staffed
$550,000 annual collections


Houston Practice

3 ops able to add 2 more
Busy Plaza with excellent visibility
Leased space with great rent

$120,000 Annual Collections

Greensburg PA area Practice for sale

3 Ops able to add one more
$500,000 Annual Collections
RE available

$500,000 Annual Collections

Indianapolis, IN

5 operatories
Busy Plaza Location
$650,000+ annual collections

Annual Collections $650,000+

Wheaton Practice

2 equipped operatories able to add one
100% Fee for Service
$425,000+ annual collections

$425,000+ annual collections


Highly Profitable Practice
Bustling Shopping Plaza
$475,000 Annual Collections

Annual Collections $475,000


Turnkey beautiful practice
$800,000+ annual collections
Prime location

Annual collections $800,000+


Turnkey Streamwood area practice
Leased space with excellent rent
$350,000+ consistent collections

Annual collections $350,000+


3 Operatories able to expand
Established 40 years
$700,000+ annual collections

Annual Collections $700,000+


Highly Profitable Practice
4 Equipped Operatories in 1500 sq. ft.
$600,000 in Annual Collections

Annual Collections: $600,000+


6 Operatories
$900,000 in annual collections
Professional Plaza

Annual Collections: $900,000+


Polish Speaking Patient Base
3 Equipped Operatories able to add a fourth
Annual Collections over $600,000

Annual Collections: $600,000+


Beautiful Turnkey Practice
4 ops able to add 3
plaza setting

Annual Collections: $550,000


2 Equipped Operatories able to add one more
1000 sq ft
$260,000 Annual Collections

Annual Collections: $260,000


6 operatories
Long Established
$600,000+ Annual Collections

Annual Collections: $600,000


Long Established Practice
4 Equipped Operatories
$820,000 Annual Collections

Annual Collections: $820,000


5 Operatories
Professional Medical Building
$1.75 Million+ Annual Collections

Annual Collections: $1.75 million


Thriving 7 Operatory Practice
Free Standing Building
$1.2 Million Collections

Annual Collections: $1.2 Million


3 Fully Equipped Operatories
1st Floor High Rise Bldg.
$600,000+ Collections

Annual Collections: $600,000+


4 ops, able to add 2
$375,000 + annual collections

Annual Collections: $375,000
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